
Information obligations pursuant to Section 5 of the E-Commerce Act, Section 14 of the Commercial Code, Section 63 of the Commercial Code and disclosure obligations pursuant to Section 25 of the Media Act

Owner: Heike Aurora Richter
Unterhof 23, A-9560 Steuerberg
Office: Glan 8, A-9560 Feldkirchen
Mobile: +43 664 237 18 47
[email protected]

Responsible for the content:
Heike Aurora Richter

UID No. Austria: ATU73461425
UID No. Germany: DE353789360
EU-OSS tax number: 572734713

Tax office: St. Veit / Wolfsberg

Object of the company: Trade in health products and books
Bezirkshauptmannschaft :Feldkirchen

Regional court: Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Chamber of Commerce: WKO St. Veit
Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten, St. Veit (information obligations according to the E-Commerce Act)

Member of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

Professional law: Trade regulations:
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Villach

Heike Richter assumes no liability for any direct or indirect damages, claims for damages, consequential damages of any kind and for whatever legal reason, which could arise from accessing or using the information on this website, in particular not for a possible infection with computer viruses.

The European Commission offers a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution. to the European Commission: Online Dispute Resolution (Link)