Light water leads to higher consciousness
In today's world, where the understanding of body, mind and soul continues to grow, new concepts such as "light water" are coming into focus. The "liquid crystal water", which can absorb information from the environment via its magnetic "snow crystal antennas", was first depicted in fascinating images by researcher Masaru Emoto. This structure enables water to store light energy from the sun and the cosmos and pass it on to our bodies.
The world-famous biophoton researcher Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp aptly describes this phenomenon: "Humans are light-suckers." But what does that actually mean?
Body begins to glow
Our body consists largely of water, and this hexagonally structured body water can recharge like a battery. This leads to enormous benefits for our well-being. One particular phenomenon that occurs in this process is known as "piezoelectricity". This energy, which flows through the body, can be measured by the emission of tiny particles of light. Many people experience this as an "aura" or a luminous energy field around their body.
The idea that our body begins to glow gives the term "enlightenment" a new, tangible meaning. Not only the inner realization is described here, but also the physical light emission of our body, which is intensified by the enriched light water.
"Halo" as a symbol of divine order
Even in old paintings, saints were often depicted with a radiant halo. This image could be more than just an artistic representation. The halo symbolizes the strong light emission of the body cells, which is created by the natural, divine order in the body water. We immediately notice this luminous radiance and it creates a positive feeling in us - what we perceive as charisma, presence or radiance.
Awakening "light intelligence"
Creating a strong, light-filled energy field is not only a key to health, but also to expanding our consciousness. In this time of upheaval and transformation, the zeitgeist is calling us to activate our inner light intelligence. It is time to take responsibility for our own well-being and spiritual development.
However, this does not just mean meditating or praying silently, but integrating the new, high-frequency information from the cosmos into our daily lives. This "light intelligence" can help us to promote healing on a personal and global level and support us on the path to a higher consciousness.
Through the practical application of this knowledge, we can not only shape our own destiny, but also contribute to the healing of the earth. With an active consciousness and the power of the water of light, we have the opportunity to realize the vision of self-liberation.